Saturday, November 6, 2004

All done with IV steroids

After last round of steroids my vision came back to about 30%. So I have some peripheral vision but only when there is motion. That is still the case now in 11/2008. It has required re-learning how to look for things (like my kids in a crowded church or play center), how to read out-loud so that the words aren't jumbled (dominant eyes read... non-dominant eyes jump around as place keepers - I lost my dominant eye). There are more things but I can't think of them at the moment.

I made it through the holidays ok. By February I was spending most days struggling to get through. Some days all I can do is get myself, the kids dressed and fed. Then I lay on the couch while they watch cartoons until naptime.

Mid-February Todd made me go on anti-depressants (typical of MS patients) which helped within 4 days. I was doing things again.

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