Thursday, September 30, 2004

September 2004

I'm THREE!!!

It's hard to believe it's been 3 years since I've become a mom! So much has happened! I had another child, we had a vacation, a campout, and moved.

My Little Fairy Boy!!

This is for you Grandpa Howard!! Nathaniel doesn't seem to notice at all let alone care! Daddy even did his "accent" for special effects. Nathaniel LOVED the magic wand.

Paint those walls!
Shortly after moving in, Janeen and Betsy came over with their kids. While we were visiting in the kitchen one of the kids (or all most likely) found the tempura paint and decided white basement walls were boring. This artwork is infamous as it magically appeared although all 3 kids (Kaia (age 4), Isaiah (age 3 1/2), and Rebekah (age 3) swore they didn't do it and didn't know who did. Recently (11/2008) Rebekah told me she remembers coloring on the walls of the basement "with a boy."

Looking at these now when my blood isn't boiling... I can see 3 artists work at each spot except the middle (the wall Rebekah took me to today as the one she and the boy "colored". ; )

It's hilarious now!

Great Playmates

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