Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Is Texas a country??

Yes - believe it or not... this is a STATE capitol building. The capital building for Texas (which is in Austin) So apparently, it's not just the sky that's big in Texas. Impressive isn't it? You should see the inside, too.

This picture is from the 3rd level which is equivalent to being on the fifth floor. There is another level you can't see in this picture. So you can imagine just how high up this dome goes

One of these chambers is House of Representatives and the other is the Senate. Don't ask me which one is which, please.

A building near the capitol had displays of Texas history and a history of the capitol building itself. Did you know an Ohio company was involved in the design or construction of this impressive building? Boy! Did C-bus get gypped!

I'm in this picture, too. I'm holding N up on my back.

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