Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Everyone needs a good laugh

… even if it’s at someone else..  LOL

As Nathaniel and I left the orthodontist this morning at 8 am, the guy in the car behind me honked in an attempt to get the car in front of me to turn right on red (even though there as oncoming traffic).  Immediately, I chuckled to myself and felt my own personal rebellion kick in.  So when it was my turn to turn right on red, he honked at me, too.  Of course, you know what happened.  I creeped around the corner and chuckled again. As he sped around me cursing and shaking his fist, I smiled and waved profusely.  Nathaniel asked what was wrong with the guy… This turned into an object lesson for when he’s unreasonably demanding that we do what he wants RIGHT NOW!  I pointed out, “do you see how ridiculous he’s behaving?  Is that how you want to be perceived?”

And you can probably guess who was at the very next red light waiting for us despite his speed.  As we pulled up next to him I waved and said, “good morning!”  He began yelling and signaling for me to roll my window down.  I laughed and turned on the radio.  Nathaniel watches this and after the guy drives away, I said, “you see – adults get bullied, too.  But he’s going to go on and had a terrible day complaining about me and I’m going to go on and have a GREAT DAY!  Do you see the difference??”

And that is exactly what I am doing right now.  Why didn’t I roll my window down?  Because what’s the point?  Either I’m going to get engaged into a negative dialogue which often ends in 2 people in road rage and terrible moods or I’m going to hear terrible insults and it’s going to ruin my day…  NO, I choose NOT to receive those insults in my heart.  I will protect my heart and simply pray for him.  Because in the end… EVERY knee will bow to my God.  Even his – and hopefully his knee will bow before THAT day and he will know the peace that is freely offered to him.

Make it a great day today!

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