Sunday, September 21, 2008

Boys camp out

While Carrell and I went to host Rebekah's Birthday party at The Chiller Ice Rink, Todd took Nathaniel camping and invited Brad and Isaiah Baldridge and Howard Free (who apparently was the photographer).

The mornings were cold which was good because the pit toilets are less stinky, then. They really roughed it! There was no running water. Good thing Todd took a shower after our 10 mile run on Saturday morning!

First order of business - send smoke signals to neighboring natives. Can you say... pyromaniacs...?

The scenery was beautiful!

Isaiah and Nathaniel play lawn jarts.

You can see the damage from the wind storm 1 week before. The huge tree in the background BROKE felling the tree!

The Men, the boys... is there really much difference??

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