Sunday, September 14, 2008

Post Hurricane wind storm

3-4 days before Rebekah's birthday there was a huge hurricane in Texas. We expected some rain and a little wind but what we got on September 14, 2008 was more than anyone anticipated.

At about 1:15-1:30 the wind started beating up and ripping our shelter on the deck. We took it down. Shortly, we realized we needed to batten down everything outside. At 3:15 the electric went out. The Burkes left partly for Kate's nap, partly to see if they had electricity. My parents had left already. Todd's parents left around 4:00.

Church was canceled that evening because of power outages. Jerry later told us that their mileage gauge said they were getting 92 miles to the gallon on the way home.

Schools were closed Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday as the city recovered. When Todd and I ran in the mornings, there were huge limbs everywhere (for about 2 weeks). Thousands of people in the city were out of power for up to 2 weeks!

These videos don't even tell half the story. I saw trees bending down 90 degrees to the ground. But I couldn't seem to catch it on film. You can hear the power of the wind whistling past the camera.

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